Product details
Product Overview
β-Mannanase is a strain selected by Aocter Group, produced through liquid submerged fermentation and advanced post-extraction technology, with high fermentative enzyme activity. Stabilize the quality of feed products, reduce the quality difference between different batches of raw materials, and improve product competitiveness.
Enzyme activity definition
The product has the following characteristics: according to Q/371526ABK003-2014, the amount of enzyme required to release 1μmol reducing sugar from 3.0 mg/mL mannan solution per minute at 37°C and pH 5.5 is 1 enzyme activity unit (U).
Execution standard:GB 36861-2018
Product Features
1. Temperature applicable range
Detected at pH 5.5, the optimum temperature range of mannanase is 60℃~70℃.
2. pH range of application
Measured at a temperature of 37 °C, it can be seen from the figure below that the optimum pH range of mannanase is 4.0, and the enzyme activity ratio is above 75% in the range of pH 3.5-5.0.
3. Evaluation of acid resistance
It can be seen from the figure below that the mannanase acid tolerance is good, and the enzyme activity ratio is above 85% in the pH range of 2.5-7.0.
4. Product storage stability
The product is stored in a cool, dry and ventilated warehouse, and the enzyme activity attenuation of the 107-day product under normal conditions is as shown in the figure below. During the 107-day storage period of solid mannanase, the enzymatic activity is very stable, and it is maintained at more than 90% of the original enzymatic activity.
Analysis of storage stability of solid mannanase
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